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Category: Technology

How to Prevent Ransomware Attacks



In recent years, articles of the type “Company X had to pay ‘ransom’ for their data” or “Public Organization Y can not serve the public because their information was hacked” are increasingly common.

It seems that although organizations are prepared to face different types of physical incidents such as power outages and floods, it is still common for the whole data infrastructure to be vulnerable because someone clicked on a malicious link or opened an email attachment. Due to this many organizations fight against malware and in particular against RANSOMWARE.

Given the prevalence of Windows operating systems as the target (more than 90%) of ransomware, the guide is largely oriented towards that environment.

The IT Security Guidelines is intended to be a an in Depth guide based on a checklist, to avoid infections with ransomware and, ultimately to create adequate procedures for the retrieval of information.

Ransomware, has been the protagonist threat for the last 3 years and probably, will remain to be in 2019.

It is necessary to implement a progressive security strategy in layers so that the impact for the normal functioning of an organization is as tenuous as possible.

We want to contribute and help prevent infections, in order to reduce the number of cases and combat all ransomware.

The present guidelines have been developed with the aim of providing the IT community with a simple guide to follow when dealing with the ransomware problem.

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All the points of this guide have been summarized and written in a language as simple as possible, so that it can be read fluently and with a minimum reading time.

If you don’t know where to get started, need help or just don’t have the time to to it, our experts can help you out.

Call us today on 7000 8111 , we would love to help!